Having just attended the Family Roots Expo in St. George, Utah (October 28-29, 2016), I have been inspired to begin a family history blog containing some pictures and stories of my Compton and Haynes ancestral lines. Since I am a beginner at this I hope to learn and improve this blog as I go along. I feel that it is important to share and preserve this information for my children and grandchildren. I am hoping to add a post weekly. I would love any comments and would be happy to share information with others who are also interested in these special people. I am constantly seeking to learn more about their lives and what made them into who they were. Some stories will be good and great and can give us a pattern and foundation upon which we can find inspiration and help in our own lives. Some stories may be sad and troubling, but they are still a part of their lives and can help us realize that we are not the only ones in our family that have faced trials and tragedies. And some may just be factual or interesting. As these stories progress, it is my hope that we can learn about where we came from and have a stronger connection to those ancestors who have made it possible for us to be who we are.
Bill Compton